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4 Key Duties Of Corporate Lawyers

4 Key Duties Of Corporate Lawyers
4 Key Duties Of Corporate Lawyers

Even though the corporate lawyers and the litigators work with corporations, there are different ways of accomplishing the job. Not many people understand the exact role of the corporate lawyers. They are the ones offering advice to the businesses on their legal obligations, responsibilities and the rights. Apart from this, they are also known to provide recommendations on the way of evaluating ventures and the business structures. To serve the needs of the clients better especially the sophisticated requirements, these legal advisors must also coordinate with the transactional lawyers in different segments such as real estate or tax.

Brief Summary Of The Role:

The top corporate law firms in India ensure that the provisions in the agreement are clear and do not contain any disputes to create problems for the clients in future. They are also responsible for offering advice related to the duties and the responsibilities of the corporate officers, the insiders and the directors. However, the firms may have different practice groups for mergers and acquisitions while the rest may include them within the corporate department.

Formation Of A Corporate Entity:

You can hire some of the best corporate law firms in India for the creation, organization, and the dissolution of the corporate entity. When it comes to the formation of a corporation, the attorneys are known to draft the incorporation articles for documenting the creation of the company and also for the management of internal affairs. They also deal with the business entities during the formation of partnerships, limited liability partnerships and trusts, and the limited liability companies with each one having separate rights and responsibilities, tax burden, and organization structure. Attorneys also assist their companies during the formation of the company and might also be called for legal advice associated with startups, business management such as reviewing and researching the lease for any equipment or office space, preparation of non-compete and non-disclosure agreements, and drafting the employee contracts. They might also research different aspects of environmental and employment law or may even consult with the other attorneys specializing in this field. Apart from this, the business executives also consider the advice of these attorneys regarding the rights and the responsibilities of the officers and the corporate directors.

Role In Mergers And Acquisitions:

For evaluating the proposed joint venture in this country, companies appoint a legal firm in India to review the primary assets and responsibilities such as the employee agreements, financial statements, intellectual property and the real estate holdings, or any other litigation issues that are existing or pending. After the completion of this procedure also known as due diligence, the lawyers assess the situation properly to raise the concerns with the clients. When it comes to deciding about the current employees of the target company or assessing the stock options of the directors of the company, the attorneys consult with their clients to find out the party responsible for accepting the present and the potential liabilities.

Venture Capital Practice:

In a venture capital practice, a corporate attorney works on public and private financing, meaning that they can help new business entities get money for the ventures, organize the operations, and maintain their legal and business structure after the formation. Similar to dealing with the positioning of the corporate law in the emerging companies, the attorneys help in expanding the business in venture capital. Apart from this, they have to execute their general duties such as drafting the incorporation articles and documents, financing, technology licensing along with mergers and acquisitions.

Specialization In Project Finance

For the development and construction of oil refineries, pipelines, power plants, telecommunication networks, the transportation systems and similar facilities, the cooperation of different lawyers is required. The corporate attorneys specializing in project finance create the project entity, partnership, corporation, and other legal entities that are going to exist through the term of the project. These lawyers are also known to draft the purchase agreements, negotiate the financial terms, and prepare the construction contracts.

1 comment:

  1. When I decided to open my own practice, I started thinking about the qualities that make up the best law firms. It is know that one of the most important benefits of a law company, is that has recent graduates in its staff, and they are constantly up to date with the newest modifications in law, which is a very significant feature.
