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15 Best Foods For Healthy Bones And Joints

15 Best Foods For Healthy Bones And Joints
15 Best Foods For Healthy Bones And Joints
Building strong healthy bones and joints is easy to go only if you are on the right food track. The two key nutrients are Calcium and Vitamin D. Calcium is required for the bones to stay strong while Vitamin D for calcium absorption and bone growth. We construct healthy bones during our child-hood and adolescence period. Around 30 years we reach the maximum bone mass and tend to lose as we age. The more the bone mass we have; the less likely to develop Osteoporosis. If you have already diagnosed with osteoporosis and are under calcium and vitamin D supplements, then buy medicines online with your prescription.

A healthy lifestyle along with good intake of calcium, vitamin and minerals will give support and strength to stand on your own feet.  To maintain them in the best shape, regular exercises, and nutrient-rich foods are the way forward.   Kick start your daily recommended dosage with bone- boosting superfoods and protect them from any tear out.

Daily Dosage:


0–6 months*
200 mg
200 mg

7–12 months*
260 mg
260 mg

1–3 years
700 mg
700 mg

4–8 years
1,000 mg
1,000 mg

9–13 years
1,300 mg
1,300 mg

14–18 years
1,300 mg
1,300 mg
1,300 mg
1,300 mg
19–50 years
1,000 mg
1,000 mg
1,000 mg
1,000 mg
51–70 years
1,000 mg
1,200 mg

71+ years
1,200 mg
1,200 mg

* Adequate Intake (AI)

Vitamin D:

Life Stage
Recommended Amount
Birth To 12 Months
400 IU
Children 1-13 Years
600 IU
Teens 14-18 Years
600 IU
Adults 19-70 Years
600 IU
Adults 71 Years And Older
800 IU
Pregnant And Breastfeeding Women
600 IU

Here are the 15 best foods to boost bones and joints healthy. Incorporate them in your daily diet and attain its maximum benefits!

Sardines: Even though the fish is very smelly it is packed with high amounts of Calcium, Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin D. The tiny edible bones are a good source of calcium.

Eggs: The whole eggs provide a good amount of calcium and often referred to as nature’s multi-vitamin. It also contains brain nutrients and antioxidants such as zeaxanthin and lutein.

Seeds: They are the powerhouse of the nutrients. Seeds such as poppy seeds, chia seeds, and sesame seeds are a rich source of calcium. One tablespoon (9 g) of poppy seeds and sesame seeds contain 126 mg of calcium.

Yoghurt:  Rich source of calcium and live probiotic bacteria providing numerous health benefits. One cup (245g) of plain yoghurt contains 30% RDI of calcium (Recommended Dietary Intake). It also supplies other nutrients such as vitamin B2, B12, potassium and phosphorous.

Milk: A best-known source of calcium. 8 ounce of fat-free milk provides 30% RDI. Try Vitamin D enriched milk for better absorption.

Cheese: Though cheese is a good source of calcium, there are numerous varieties available in the market. Parmesan cheese is packed with more calcium (33% of RDI) and leads top in the list.

Almonds: Among the nuts variety, one ounce of almonds delivers 8% RDI.

Tofu: One of the best-known sources of calcium. 126 g of tofu provides 86% of the RDI for calcium.

Figs: Among the list of dried fruits figs tops the most with more calcium. It is also a good source of fibres, potassium and Vitamin K.

Whey Protein: It is the best known source for calcium. 28gm of whey protein provides 20% of the RDI for calcium. Whey protein also aids in weight loss.

Kale: One of the best sources of calcium in the planet. 100g of kale offers 254 mg of calcium and hence it falls under the superfood category.

Fortified Foods: The best way to obtain calcium from foods is through fortified foods. Numerous fortified foods are spread in the market in the form of bread, cereals, juices, soy milk, etc. Choose the best after reading the labels.

Okra: It is another rich source of calcium. It supports bone health.

Whole Cereals: Ragi/finger millet the ancient grains, is the richest sources of calcium. According to NIN India, 100 g of ragi provides 344mg of calcium.

Black-Eyed Peas: These beans are loaded with calcium, folate, and potassium. Half cup of canned beans contains 185mg of calcium.

Calcium and Vitamin D are important for bones and joints. Sunlight provides Vitamin D. Hit your recommended dose through the foods listed above. Still, if you are unable to meet the required amount, talk to your health care provider. He can provide you with the supplements to ward off the diseases. You can order supplements from the best pharma online for quick delivery.


Author Bio:

Lakshmi Krishnanunni: She holds M.Sc., M.Phil in Biochemistry and has strong proficiency in the areas of Immunology, Biomolecules, Cell biology, and Molecular biology to name a few. She has more than 10 years of Research experience in the field of medicinal plants research and Nano-technology. Her expertise in research has greatly assisted in writing medical, health and research articles. As a writer, she aims to provide research-based information to the readers in more detail. In her spare time, she loves cooking and experiments with various cuisines, painting, travelling, listening to music and gardening.

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