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Best Exercise Machines For Weight Loss

Weight loss is the goal of every second person in the world. Being overweight is a result of wrong eating habits, consumption of wrong foods and lack of exercise. People start workouts like running, jogging and exercising in gyms to lose weight.

However, most people struggle to lose weight due to lack of knowledge. Not all machines in Brisbane are good for losing weight. You need to exercise on the right machine to achieve your weight loss goals. This post shares the best exercise machines for weight loss.


When it comes to losing weight using machines, a treadmill is on the top of the list. A treadmill offers a perfect mechanism for burning calories and a workout for the entire body. Users can perform a brisk walk, jog or run on the machine as per the intensity of exercise they want for their body. A treadmill is easy to use for people of all age groups.

Cross Trainer

Cross Trainer
Cross Trainer
A cross trainer is highly effective for weight loss as it provides an excellent workout to the whole body. The machine does not focus on any particular body part. It is best for people who want to burn the overall fat in their body.

A cross trainer Brisbane is safe for workouts, and there are no chances of injury while exercising.  Unlike a treadmill, it also offers a good workout for your arms and shoulders.

Vibration Exercise Machine

A vibration exercise machine is a new addition to the gyms for weight loss. The machine sends vibrations in the whole body to burn the cellulite cells that lead to loss of weight. It uses the most advanced technology to generate the vibrations of the right intensity for burning the fat cells in the body.

Ab Roller Machine

An ab roller machine is a small device that is made to perform the abdominal exercises. It helps you to lose the abdominal fat and workout out your core and shoulders. Regular use of ab roller machine can help you to build abs and strengthen your core that leads to weight loss.

Rowing Machine

Rowing Machine
Rowing Machine
People visiting a gym for weight loss cannot ignore a rowing machine. It is a part of every gym as it can help you lose weight and gain muscle. It helps you lose fat and tone the muscles with a compound movement. Moreover, it enables you to increase your stamina and strengthen the cardiovascular functions in your body. A rowing machine does not strain your muscles or joints making it ideal for all people.

Step Mill

A step mill is like a fast-moving escalator that makes the user climb on the steps at a fast speed. Exercising on a step mill is one of the toughest workouts one can perform in a gym, but no doubt it is highly effective for weight loss. Moreover, it provides the lower body strength and users see the results within a few weeks. It targets the legs and hips but burns fat from the entire body.

Stepper Machine

A stepper machine is specially designed for high-intensity cardio. It targets legs and core very effectively to maximize the burning of calories.  However, it also increases strength in the upper body and helps in losing weight. As it offers high-intensity cardio, you can expect to see the results soon.

Stability Ball

Stability Ball
Stability Ball
Also known as an exercise ball, a stability ball can help you lose weight faster than any other machine. Users can do a variety of exercises such as pushups, chest press, shoulder press, hamstring curl, sit-ups, etc. Users need to balance the ball while exercising that increases the intensity of their workout.

Inversion Table

The inversion table is also a new addition to the gyms and looks like a see-saw. It is quite easy to use, and all you need is to lie down, and it starts working. The table is ideal for burning fat from the upper and lower body and ideal for home use. The best benefit of an inversion table is that it is so easy to use and you don’t need anyone else for help.

Stationary Bicycle

Although nothing can match the experience and benefits of cycling outdoor, there are many benefits of stationary bikes in the gyms. Most of the gyms have this equipment, but you can also use it at home. It mimics the action of outdoor bicycle and helps you reap the same benefits exercising in the gym or home. You can increase the resistance of the cycle to increase the intensity for faster results.

Final Thoughts

These are some of the best machines for weight loss. The results depend on your regularity, intensity of workouts and diet plan.  Machines like step mill, stepper machine, stability ball and cross trainer Brisbane can help you reap faster results. Using them regularly combined with low-calorie diet can transform your body within a few months.

1 comment:

  1. The fact is that whole body vibration equipment has created waves in the health and fitness industry. There are widespread false and misleading statements and information common on the Internet and elsewhere. best rated vibration platform machines Make sure that the machine is sold by authorized people. Many people are selling low quality machines and are also not authorized sellers of them. When in doubt check with the Main Distributor or call other dealers to check.
