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How Pak Vs. India | International Sikh Community Show Their Support For Pakistan?

How Pak Vs. India | International Sikh Community Show Their Support For Pakistan?
How Pak Vs. India | International Sikh Community Show Their Support For Pakistan?
Pakistan and India are neighboring countries whose relations with each other are confusing questions for everyone around the world. There are different aspects on which the governments might not agree with each other, and that would be the main reason behind it.

However, if we talk about Sikhs, whether they are from Pakistan or India, they have always seen Pakistan as a welcoming and excellent community in the world.

Sikhs are a well-known Monotheistic religion since the 15th century, which was originated from the Punjab region of the Indian Subcontinent.

The population of registered Sikhs in Pakistan as per the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) recorded as 6,146 in Pakistan. However, there are almost 50,000 Sikhs who are living in Pakistan, mostly in KPK, Punjab, and Sindh.

Majority of the people who are not yet registered were come here as a refugee from Afghanistan, following by the Afghanistan Harsh Situations.

As per the Last Updated report of the Sikh community in India, So there are almost 24 million. Among those 24 million, 74% are living in the Punjab Region.

If we talk about the International Sikh Community, so it’s said that Canada is the country that has the most percentage of the Sikh Population.

But, an important thing that arises here is the positive support of the Sikh community for Pakistan. The whole remaining article will give you the facts about why they are showing support for Pakistan.

Important Facts To Know About Sikhs For Supporting Pakistan

As you all know, one of the precious shrines for Sikh Community is their Founder, “Guru Nanak sahib.” The Guru Nanak Shrine is located in the place, which Pakistan got in their territory after the Partition of Pakistan and India.

The Sikh community of Pakistan is much readily available and visit the shrine just because of having a label of Pakistani. However, there were almost 90% of the other Sikhs who were based on the other part of the world including were not much able to visit this place for a long period of time.

The reason behind it was the Pakistan and India relationships, and few factors have made the relationship between these countries bad for the people to visit both countries.

The shrine area of “Guru Nanak Sahib” got affected at the days of Flood in Pakistan. However, the new government had planned a massive amount of money to furnish the whole place in a much-structured way.

Not only the area got stable, but the government also made some necessary precautions to keep it safe from future floods happens in Pakistan.

At the same time, the Pakistani government created an opportunity of love between both countries for a much stable relationship by allowing the Sikh Community to come and visit the Gurdwara and shrine place.

With a great vision, Pakistan has made it very positively to wins the heart of Indians and especially for Sikhs.

The inauguration of Kartarpur Corridor inaugurated on 9th November 2019. Prime Minister Imran Khan was the person who opened the corridor in front of 12000 pilgrims.

Among those pilgrims, there were few notable Sikh personalities of India also present at the place, including Sidhu (Former Indian Cricketer) and Sunny Deol (Indian Actor).

Sidhu is not only a former cricketer, but he is also a politician and elected member from Gandhi Party. However, Sunny Deol is an Indian actor whose films were loved and supported by all types of peoples across the world.

With this inauguration, every day, almost 10,000 Sikhs can quickly come and visit the Gurdwara of Nankana Sahib, and 5,000 can promptly get the accommodation in the area of Gurdwara.

It was the main pitch, which won the hearts of the Sikh community across the world for Pakistan. With a tremendous amount of tension between both countries, this positive and sweet response made strong support from Sikh for Pakistan.

The international communities of Sikhs based in different parts of the world have expressed a high amount of support for Pakistan. It’s been also said by the Sikhs on various forums that they will also support Pakistan if any of the negative aggression comes from the Indian government towards Pakistan.

However, the advocacy group, also known as Sikh for Justice (SFJ), also made a campaign about the referendum for the independence of Punjab from India.

The SFJ also wrote a letter for Pakistan president Imran khan and expressed positive support for him.
They also mentioned in the letter that the high-tension between the countries are at a very higher level, and they assure the Pakistani government based on Europe, Australia, and North America Sikh communities, that they are always available in solidarity with Pakistan.

 Apart from all of this, Pakistan has clearly stated that the reason to do this for the Sikh Communities was to respect their emotions and activeness for their holy shrines.

They tried to provide the way for Sikh communities, so they can efficiently perform their rituals without any hesitation. The Pakistani government also made a significant plan on the security of this area for the Sikh community, so they can quickly come and visit the shrines without having any security risks.

How Can An International Sikh Community Visit Pakistan?

International Sikh communities living in different countries like Canada, UK, USA, and Australia can safely visit this place by looking upon the Travel apps in Pakistan.

There are different Booking apps in Pakistan as well, who provide you one of the best accommodation and transport services within Pakistan to make your Kartarpur visit safe and affordable.

If you are not much aware of the places of Pakistan or you are visiting here for the first time, then it's better to look upon the authentic travel services, who will arrange all of the facilities for you to visit this place.

Whether you are coming alone or with family, you can easily spend your time without facing any problems. Because it’s better to perform the rituals and let the service providers handle all the essential things for you.

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