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Five Urology Test For Which You Should Be Prepared On First Visit

Urology test can diagnose a series of a disease few are life-threatening and some are very indicative of infections. An urologist visit is beneficial in many cases varying from prostate enlargement, tract infections, infertility as well as kidney dysfunction. Investigations involved in the urologist visit are pretty straightforward and less of complex, let us discuss few of the test you should be prepared in your first visit to best urologist nearby.

1. General Physical Examination:

In this your urologist will ask you question which can assess the general condition of the body, like your current sign and symptoms(pain while urination, blood in urine, urgency to pass urine etc)  he will also ask your past history of illness, family disposition toward any major disease, any medication you are taking that can also affect the functioning of your urinary tracts, he will also try to check your body indications like body temperature, pallor (yellowness in the eyes) and cyanosis (hand and legs turning blue) in the body.

Five Urology Test For Which You Should Be Prepared On First Visit
Five Urology Test For Which You Should Be Prepared On First Visit
Examination of the abdomen, as well as rectal examination, is also performed to evaluate the kidneys, bladder, and penis as prostate. He will also check for any nodular growth in your lymph nodes which are increased in case of fever and prostate cancer.

2. Urine Analysis:

Various properties of urine can tell a lot about the functioning of the body, so assessing the color of the urine and its ph value alone can indicate the presence of infection inside the body.

Five Urology Test For Which You Should Be Prepared On First Visit
Five Urology Test For Which You Should Be Prepared On First Visit

Routine And Microscopic Examination

Urine analysis can be used for functional as well as infective conditions detection. Presence of glucose in the urine is checked for diabetes similarly presence of the bilirubin, red blood cells suggests early kidney diseases, and a high protein level may be an indication of uremia. Bacteria, white blood cells, and nitrites are also checked to cross-check for urinary tract infection.

3. Urine Culture:

This test is done to check the strain of bacteria present inside the body. A sensitivity test is generally performed to identify the bacteria causing urinary tract infection so that a suitable course of medicine can be administered.

Five Urology Test For Which You Should Be Prepared On First Visit
Five Urology Test For Which You Should Be Prepared On First Visit
Urine test is also collected in 24 hours to look up the number of substances like   sodium, potassium, proteins, and hormones present in the urine samples of past 24 hours to assess the normal functioning of the kidneys if, in the normal range, any marked deviation may be indicative of kidney disease and pressure of metabolism over the kidneys these are especially important in pregnancy.

4. Blood Investigations:

Along with a specified physical and detailed examination of your urine, blood test also plays a very important role in diagnosis as well as prognosis of a disease; this also acts as a preventive measure in many indicative conditions also.

Five Urology Test For Which You Should Be Prepared On First Visit
Five Urology Test For Which You Should Be Prepared On First Visit

Urea And Creatinine

These tests are used to check for the overload of the excretory by-product on the body which in turn tells us about the functioning of the kidneys as well as general conditions like heart failure and dehydration.

5. Hormonal Assessment And Semen Analysis:

These tests are specifically performed for the people who are urologist for either sexual problems or infertility. A testosterone value in the blood of a male can tell a lot about the fertile status, similarly, detection of HCG in a female suggest pregnancy; hormones play an important role when it comes to the kidneys and adrenal functions. Along with these hormonal checkups, he may ask you to give your semen sample after 3 to 6 days of the abstinent period to check for the quality and motility of the sperm as well as the erectile dysfunctions.

Five Urology Test For Which You Should Be Prepared On First Visit
Five Urology Test For Which You Should Be Prepared On First Visit
Along with infertility semen analysis is also useful in checking up for the clearance of the sperms after a vasectomy for the couple who are doing family planning.

6. Imaging Technology Test:

This may incuse X-ray, MRI CT scans, and pyelogram which are used to identify the problem which is physically localized in the excretory system. These investigations are the imaging tool most frequently used in a medical set up. Use of high-frequency waves they can detect problems related to the kidneys, bladder, as well as the prostate gland. A wide range of conditions like cancerous growths, kidney stones, adrenal hyperplasia, (including tumors, cysts, stones, kidney enlargement can be detected. Techniques like pyelogram, kidney, ureter and bladder x-ray can be used to study the normal structural identity of these organs.

Five Urology Test For Which You Should Be Prepared On First Visit
Five Urology Test For Which You Should Be Prepared On First Visit
More specified test like MRI and CT scan are helpful in the diagnosis of the minute stones and lesion which are usually missed out in x rays.

Remember if a physician refers someone to an urologist it creates a lot of anxiety in patients, as well as their relative about the nature of the investigation and the expenses included but a thorough discussion with your doctor, can relieve the psychological burden.

A Short Author Bio: Kavya Sharma has done Masters in Home Science from University of Delhi, India. She is a passionate blogger, fitness lover, plays chess, innovative, likes to express her views via blog and is a music lover.

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