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What are the Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery?


Surgery is something that becomes necessary when you are left with no other option to resolve your medical issue regarding any disease. Everyone prays that they never get to the point of going through a surgery. If they happen to meet that fate, they must consult with the Best Orthopedic Surgeon. Till date open surgery was the only option to go with; but lately, Minimally Invasive Surgery has been introduced to come with quicker and better results.

What are the Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery?
What are the Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery?
Somehow, we all are aware of the traditional open surgery and the way it’s conducted under the supervision of the professional surgeons. The kind of surgery we will be discussing in this feature will let you get an idea about the difference between the typical, standard traditional open surgery and the Minimally Invasive Surgery. Also, in fine details; the differences in the latter kind’s procedures along with its benefits and effects. Keep reading the article for more clarity.

Minimally Invasive Surgery:

This advanced technology enables a surgeon to perform the surgical method with a minimum number of cuts and incisions in the body. While doing so, the size of cutting the particular area of the body is also reduced along with the numbers. This new procedure comes up with some perks and benefits. Also, the sound of it is also quite less horrifying. Moreover, you recover quickly and don’t have to spend long hours in the hospital. In short, it’s always a better option than open surgery.

Basically, the surgeon while performing Minimally Invasive Surgery; uses the latest technological tools such as cameras, lights and other related elements without cutting any skin or disturbing body muscles. On a more general note, there are two types of Minimally Invasive Surgeries. One is done through Robotic Technology and the other one is Non-Robotic. Let’s have a brief review of the types of this particular surgery.

Types of Minimally Invasive Surgery:

The first type we will discuss here is the Robotic Type. In this procedure, there is an electronic operating station for the doctor to perform the surgery with a high definition camera and robotic arms.

The surgeon will perform anesthesia and make various small incisions in the body along with the tools through robotic arms. To make the area visible of the body to be operated, a camera with a light is inserted to see over the screen. The narrow tube inserted with a light and a camera on it is called endoscope. The surgeon operates as long as it is required and then removes the tools from the body. In the end, the doctor seals the incision areas of the body through stitches.

The second type is Non-Robotic Surgery that includes keyhole (Laparoscopic) or endovascular surgery. The only difference between the robotic and the non-robotic surgery is the use of hands. In Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery robotic arms are used whereas in the Non-Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery the surgeon performs by himself without the use of robotic arms. The rest of the procedure is similar to the robotic surgery type.

Medical issues related to lungs, heart, digestive system, gynecologic system, urologic system, and other general problems can be catered with both the types of Minimally Invasive Surgery. If there is an issue with the spine or neurological or vascular veins; then the Non-Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery is always recommended.

Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery:

As we have gone through the procedures of both the types; let us have a look at the benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery.
  • The major benefit is the view. While operating, the inner body parts can be viewed easily in 3D.
  • The motion scaling software allows the surgeon to operate the problem very precisely. The chance of failure due to this technology becomes zero percent.
  • There is no possibility of scars or surgery marks left over the body.
  • A low rate of damaging tissues, muscles, and skin.
  • Moreover, there is no risk of infection.
  • Chances of losing blood are almost zero or minimized to a satisfied level.
  • Most of all, the recovery time is less in these surgeries with no pains at all.
  • The complications are usually never experienced in the Minimally Invasive Surgery procedures.

Before proceeding with any kind of surgery, everything should be consulted with the Best Orthopedic Surgeon/Doctor dealing with your medical issue. Sometimes, the situation is quite critical and complicated that doctors themselves do not take the risk of operating with any of the above-mentioned methods. At those times, the surgeon prefers open surgery for the patient. Keeping in mind the benefits, there is still a chance of infections and other complications due to incisions and anesthesia. Plus, the robotic surgery specifically takes more time than the traditional open surgery. This is only because the doctors have to set-up the robotic equipment properly to perform the operation. If there is no time for that and the patient is in a critical condition then robotic is never preferred. As the robotic type requires a longer period of time to execute; the risk of longer anesthesia can come up with side effects later on. So, one should consult properly and follow the instructions of the doctor advising you.


There is no doubt that Minimally Invasive Surgeries are becoming more popular than open ones. They are quick and advanced and are much safer for the patients and less worrisome for the family members of a patient. Plus, surgeons are also comfortable with less mess over the theatre. Before choosing, you should ask your doctor whether surgery is a must for you or you are good to go with medication. You need to understand the chances of risk or risks related to your condition if you don’t go with open surgery. In the same panel, you can confirm for open surgery. Ask the surgeon about the period of recovery. How long will it take for you get back on your feet? Do not forget to ask about the situation of pain. So that you are prepared mentally well in time. Obviously, if your health condition or body is capable of bearing the after effects of Minimally Invasive Surgery according to the Best Orthopedic Surgeon, then you must go for it at any cost.